Wednesday, 05 August 2015 08:48


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Finally beated mine laziness and added very popular button between many site owners. Paypal donate button spawned on left side under main menu. So if you like site and want to support me, you can now do it by any amount you like. Money will be spend on domain and server hosting fees. So far these are paid by me and also by advertisments revenues.

Server hosting costs me now about 13.5 euro - thats about $15 per year. Domain fee (for adress is $13.17 per year. So, if i get around $29 from donations, i will disable showing advertisments for that year. Another option is better server hosting. So far im using cheaper NoLimit webhosting, but theres also optional NoLimit Extra hosting for almost $59 (54 euro) per year. You can visit parameters of hosting on this link. If you like to have faster site, you can donate for this optional speed improvements.

Another item id' like to see on site is Compare for K2 plugin from Styleware. I already payed them 20 euro for that great search plugin on site (see collections and advanced search - they both using styleware search plugin). So if you like to have compare options for each card on site, you can donate 20 euro and i will buy and install this plugin. Compare is taking data from additional info table in every article, so things like bus, year, fillrate, texel rate, core and memory speeds can be compared between as many cards as you like. You can see demo of this feature on Styleware site. Feel free to inform me about other plugins you like to see on site....Site works on Joomla with K2 plugin, so anything compactible with these can be used. Sadly plugin can't work with articles without filled values - these are not always known, so only option is to find some programmer with a lot of free time, to do custom compare....

Another usefull thing to buy from donations could be universal programmer. Some guys ask me sometimes about bios images from specific cards. I have 2 boxes of bios and core chips from nonworking cards in mine collection. But no device to read data from bios chips. But i have no use for that bios files, so no reason for me to spend money and time on device, which i dont need. I could backup all these bios chips and put files on site, but will not spend money on that device. So you can donate for buying universal programmer TL866CS. Price is around $42. Buyed it already. You may notice some updates to few nonpc cards - added there bios downloads.

I enabled option for sending info with donations, so feel free to send me message on what i should spend your donation. Can also publish your name or company name/link in some kind of donor list, if youre interested. Feel free also sending me your ideas, how to spend donations (comments under article should be working or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Read 50310 times Last modified on Thursday, 06 April 2017 08:55

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