Monday, 19 January 2015 07:23

Winbond W86855AF

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Late Hercules chipset.


Palcal's cards:

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(418) MGP


Vlask's card:

Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF


Zaatharen's card:

Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF
Winbond W86855AF

Additional Info

  • Made by: Winbond
  • Codename: W86855AF
  • Bus: ISA 8bit, ISA 16bit
  • Memory Size: 64kB
  • Max Memory Size: 64kB
  • Memory Type: DRAM
  • Year: 1989
  • Card Type: Hercules
  • Manufacturer: Winbond
  • Owned by: Vlask, Palcal, Zaatharen
  • Outputs: 9 pin D‐sub, LPT
  • Sold by: Winbond
Read 63734 times Last modified on Monday, 30 October 2023 11:29
More in this category: Winbond W9970CF »


+1 # RE: Winbond W86855AFLuis 2015-06-19 23:59
Some MGP/MDA cards have Character Generator ROM (UM2301, Sis23C01, etc.) as optional chip. However, some MGP/MDA cards have Character Generator ROM soldered. Is it important to have the Character Generator ROM in the card? What is the benefit to have this chip?
# RE: Winbond W86855AFVlask 2015-06-20 12:34
Well as i heard, ROM chips on Hercules cards are for local fonts. So if you missing ROM chip on your card, then you cant use national characters different from english. Ofc you have to there right fonts burned in chip. Often you can see stickers on cards like PL (Polish) or Cz (Czech). VGA cards can load fonts into memory from harddrive, but Hercules cant. So if your card missing ROM chip, it would work, but only with english fonts.
+1 # RE: Winbond W86855AFLuis 2015-06-20 15:04
I have a MGP/MDA card with the corrupted ROM. In my case without the ROM, my video card does not run ok. After I soldered a ROM - UM2300 because I dont have a UM2301 chip or Sis23C01 but it show doble characters. Perhaps that chip (UM2300) is not compatible. I have looked for the Sis23c01 datasheet, UM2301 and variants of them but there are not info on Internet. Do you have the datasheet?
# manualSly 2018-03-11 18:55
Dear Vlask!

Did you find any further information about your card?
Is this an hercules only card?
The J1, J2, J3 jumpers can switch modes?
I just bought a card that looks like as yours.
Thank you,
Best regards.
# manualSly 2018-03-11 18:58
Dear Vlask!

I just bought a card looks like as yours.
Did you find any description of J1, J2, J3 jumpers?
What are they for?

# RE: manualNomiKing 2019-09-19 09:33
J1 Light Pen

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